Before Kony 2012

“We haven’t been called to make our communities better.  We’ve been called to transform them.”  -George Otis, Jr.

You might remember George Otis, Jr., as the guy with the funny sweater and big glasses from the “Transformations” videos.  If you’re like me, you figured there wasn’t much to him.

Boy, was I in for a surprise when I head him speak last night at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City.  This guy’s got some power when he preaches!  If you missed his powerful message about transforming communities, keep an eye on the archives at IHOP (

With all the media hype concerning Kony 2012, George Otis brings a spiritually-wise and historically accurate look at what *really* happened.  Why is Joseph Kony no longer at work in northern Uganda, kidnapping and torturing?  Why did he leave in the first place?  What got him out of the country?  Was it politics or media personalities like Kony 2012 suggests?  According to George Otis’ research, Joseph Kony left when Christians, in obedience to God, took to the spiritual battle in “an unconventional war.”  When God set the demonic spirits to running, Kony wasn’t far behind.

Check out this short video about the spiritual reality behind the events of Kony 2012, then go buy the full-length version from (

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