How to be disappointed in your pastor (Reasons 1-10)

The original comes from Pastor Joe McKeever, about whom I know nothing other than that he wrote a great article.  🙂  Enjoy!

“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching” (I Timothy 5:17).

The first step toward running a pastor off or leaving the church in search of a better preacher is rejecting the one you have.

We have some pointers on how to do that.

Not that some people need a recipe for finding shortcomings with God’s shepherds. Fault-finders will always find a way. But just in case anyone out there in churchland has been wondering how they could justify rejecting their pastors (to themselves at least), we have the blueprint….

1) Expect the pastor to read your mind.

“You know we always have our meeting on the first Tuesday of September, Pastor. Why did you schedule that revival then?”

“It’s true I didn’t tell you when I was going into the hospital, but you’re the pastor of the church. You ought to know these things!”

When I hear people rejecting their pastor because “He should have known” something that he did not know, I try to calm my anger before saying as gently and firmly as possible, “What planet do you live on, friend? If you think he ought to know something, tell him! Otherwise, grow up.”

If you want him to know something, tell him.

2) Expect the pastor to meet your needs.

“We used to go to that church, but we weren’t having our needs met.”

“I’m just not getting all out of the sermon I should. And if you’re not, whose fault is that? The preacher’s, of course.”

When I hear people saying their pastor did not meet their needs, I tell them, “One of the biggest mistakes church people make is expecting the pastor to be to them what only Jesus Christ can be. Only He can meet your needs.”

Loosen up and cut him some slack.

3) Expect the pastor to please everyone in the congregation.

“Preacher, a lot of people in the church are unhappy with your leadership.  Who are they? Oh, just a lot of people. I’m not at liberty to name names. But you have disappointed them and have not been what we needed in a shepherd.”

When I hear the preacher slammed because some groups in the church are unhappy with him, I answer, “He’s not supposed to make you happy.  God sent him to make you holy and healthy and to make God happy!”

If the Lord uses the pastor to preach the whole truth, you will be in the crosshairs of the preaching often.  Take that as a sign the Lord loves you, since “He chastens those He loves” (Proverbs 3:12).

4) Expect the pastor to always be there for you.

“We had a crisis in our family and the pastor was in the Holy Land. We will never get over not having our pastor with us during our time of grief.”

“Can you believe he missed my retirement party to attend his child’s baseball game? There will be plenty of games he can attend, but I will retire only one time in my life.”

When I hear people criticize the pastor because “He wasn’t there for me,” my response is, “Get real, friend. This is the kingdom of God, not the Jerry Springer Show!”

Again, cut him some slack. He’s only one person.

5) Expect the pastor to be different from normal people.

“I know you’re tired this Sunday afternoon, pastor, and I didn’t want to bother you with this, but then I thought, you’re the pastor, God gives you extra strength to handle things like this.”

“Our committee decided you don’t need a new car, pastor, so we’re cutting your automobile expense for the next year.  No one cares what your old car looks like, least of all someone godly like you. Right?”

When I hear people say they expect the pastor to be superhuman, my response is, “And where did you find that in Scripture?”

Underneath his Clark Kent persona, the pastor is still Clark Kent. Sorry if that disappoints you.

6) Expect the pastor to be sinless.

“I was shocked the way he told that deacon off!  All Mr. Crenshaw was doing was venting his frustrations about the church budget, the way he does every year about this time. But you should have heard what the pastor said to him. Shocking! I didn’t know men of God had tempers.”

“We left that church when the pastor actually said in a sermon that he was tempted to look lustfully at some women.  That did it for me, and my wife was shocked.  She was never able to look at him the same way again after that.”

When I hear people criticize their pastor for not being without sin, my response is, “Oh good. Then he’s normal.” And I show them Psalm 103:14.

Give thanks your pastor understands what you struggle with, since chances are he does too. (Or has, at one time.)

7) Expect the pastor to do nothing without the approval of the congregation.

“Who told you to turn the fellowship hall into a distribution center for the community?” Pastor Todd had rallied his members following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to minister to hundreds of displaced and hurting people of their community.  The fellowship hall was stacked high with emergency supplies received from churches across America.  When an irate member demanded to know when the congregation voted to do this, a weary Todd smiled and said, “No one told me. It’s a no-brainer,” and went on about his business.

When I hear people criticize the pastor for doing something not voted on by the church, my response is, “Show me in the Scripture where the ‘Overseer of the church’–that’s Acts 20:28–is supposed to ask the congregation every time he needs to go to the bathroom.”

A great rule for a church is: Select good leaders and then get out of their way and let them do their jobs.

8) Expect the pastor to live within the income the church provides, no matter how small.

“You should set the example for the membership, pastor.  There is so much greed and worldliness in our culture. People would be upset to know their pastor is not above that.”

“We knew your wife wouldn’t mind if we diverted the money we allocated to renovate the kitchen in the pastor’s home to the new beds in the church nursery.  First things first, you know.”

When I hear the church does not want to pay the pastor a living wage, my response is: Could you live on what the church pays him?

We honor the Lord when we take good care of the servants He sends us.

9) Expect the pastor to be a perfect fit for your congregation.

“The youth haven’t been able to connect with the pastor’s sermons. And he doesn’t seem to be able to talk to the old people.”

“He’s too country for our people.  I know he has those degrees, but he has that country whang in his speech and he drives a pickup truck. Our people are more sophisticated than that.”

When I hear someone complain that the pastor is not a good match for their church, my response is: “Maybe the Lord is trying to change you.”

Usually the criticism that “he is not a good fit for us” means simply that someone in power within the congregation is unhappy with him. The leadership should stand up for their pastor.

10) Expect the pastor to be on call 24/7.

“I could not believe that the pastor did not answer his phone, but let it go to the answering machine! I needed him then, not at 8 o’clock the next day.”

“I know we have these other ministers on staff, but when I am sick I want to see my pastor, not one of his flunkies!”

When I hear someone rebuking their pastor because he expected to have a normal home life and get a full night’s rest, I go away shaking my head.  There is little hope for that kind of person.

I love hearing that my pastor takes his off days and guards them as a time with his wife.  But that only works when the leadership agrees with it. (They do, I’m glad to report.)

2 responses to “How to be disappointed in your pastor (Reasons 1-10)

  1. Great post. Thank you! I recently wrote a post on what many may not realize about pastoring and how we are often treated. I would love to hear your feedback. Here is the artice link:

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